A Poemformance, Patrick Lawler
"Did we ring the buzzer in time enough to give the answer?"
A Film by Joni Renee Whitworth
"The green chair was the width of a three-year-old ..."
Photographs by Sandra Fry
Five photographs
Work by Chris Rothery
"...risk their life for a dollar an hour ..."
Artwork by Sandy Coomer
Five photographs
Photographs by Alex Stolis
Five photographs
Photographs by Kiley Voss
Five photographs
Irises, Watercolor Sarah Kirkpatrick, Environmental Biology [...]
Artwork Archive
2015 Archive Waterfall Olivia [...]
Featured Artist
Sarah Kirkpatrick Environmental Biology, Class of 2019 [...]
I've never seen a dodo bird in the flesh. / I poke my skin in genetics laboratory. / And I'm not proud of my address / in Centennial Hall; / I've got Westcott envy.
Featured Artist Our featured artist is Sarah Kirkpatrick. [...]