Welcome to the 2019 Spring Issue (Part 1) of Unearthed!
I think place and making are two of the things I’ve tried to bridge. I’ve learned this at ESF; the students helped me bridge the materiality of the world and the spirit of its inhabitants. It’s that interior/exterior sort of thing. —Patrick Lawler
Welcome to the new issue of Unearthed. This issue includes work from twenty-two contributors (listed below, and whose work follows in the threads below). Their ages and occupations vary, but their work all does something similar: it unearths. Throughout these pages, you will find poetry, photographs, artwork, film, and essays, each of which calls our attention to the charge of what Patrick Lawler (interviewed in this issue), calls “that interior/exterior sort of thing.” The place at which inquiry becomes a light, unraveling a finer line, gripping a flicker, surfacing. You can find the work of the artists and photographers featured here in their own links, but their work also supports much of the text from the writers who light up this issue (and on the tabs bar of our home page).
Please enjoy all the excellent work from this issue. We look forward to coming back fresh again in May. Special thanks goes out to Joel Shaw, from the Office of Communications and Marketing at SUNY-ESF, for his layout support and engagement.
Cheers, Tyler Flynn Dorholt
Managing Editor

Tyler Dorholt: Patrick Lawler (with a poemformance)
Jesse Czekanski-Moir: One Poem/ M.K.W. Belant: Two Poems/ Robin Chapman: Two Poems/ Sean William Dever: Two Poems/ Meghan M. Lee: One Poem/ Tony Mancus: Poems/ Richard Meier: Poetry/ Joe Milazzo: Two Poems/ Kristofor Minta: Poems/ JoAnna Novak: Two Poems/ Kevin O’Rourke: Two Poems/ Linda Tomol Pennisi: Three Poems/ Avik Chatterjee: Rabindranath Tagore Translations
Gayle Brandeis: “Tahoe, Blue”
Visual Arts
Sandy Coomer: Artworks/ Sandy Fry: Photography/ Chris Rothery: Poem Photo/ Alex Stolis: Photography/ Kiley Voss: Photography/ Joni Renee Whitworth: Film
Featured image by Unsplash
Interview with Patrick Lawler
"You go back to the roots and then what comes out of that experience is shocking, it’s beautiful. And it rarely disappoints me if I approach things like that."
Tahoe Blue, Gayle Brandeis
"Beyond Tahoe, "blue" of course means many things."
A Poemformance, Patrick Lawler
"Did we ring the buzzer in time enough to give the answer?"
A Film by Joni Renee Whitworth
"The green chair was the width of a three-year-old ..."
Two Poems, Kevin O’Rourke
"Its origin is in whim ..."
Two Poems, JoAnna Novak
"I will turn a page for you, right / the city."
Poetry, Richard Meier
"It’s all one I am / thinking. Whistling holds water then / loosens coordination ..."
Three Poems, Linda Tomol Pennisi
"...and threw his small body into a gold mess of tall grass ..."
Poems, Kristofor Minta
"Around other stars, they do not know us ..."
Photographs by Sandra Fry
Five photographs
Poems, Tony Mancus
"Across the continent, smoke in the satellite loops ..."
Three Translations of Rabindranath Tagore
"Those quests once started, yet far from done ..."
Two Poems, Sean William Dever
"A dance you don't know, but your sick body knows ..."
Work by Chris Rothery
"...risk their life for a dollar an hour ..."
One Poem, Jesse Czekanski-Moir
"Flower symmetry otherwise; Or else, are we musicians?"
Two Poems, Robin Chapman
"Easy to feel young here, / in the forest."
Jurassic, by Meghan M. Lee
"... it's legal or illegal, no one cares ..."
Two Poems, Joe Milazzo
" all / at / once / the countless / flabby / packets ..."
Two Poems, M.K.W. Belant
"... a vacancy signs flicks red, / then orange, then red again."
Artwork by Sandy Coomer
Five photographs
Photographs by Alex Stolis
Five photographs
Photographs by Kiley Voss
Five photographs