Three Poems by Gavin Duncan
A collection of dreamy poems
A collection of dreamy poems
and I want the fossils of us to live in the rock long after we die / after the great great grandchildren of our generation die
I want to go back to the crush close push press / of unfamiliar bodies, sweat stink and soft punch / of day-old powdery perfume
As, scrabbling tragically he slides / Into breathless air, so thin, to land / With an unechoed thud, instant husk,
Everyone was hungry. Everyone / pulled their arms and legs tight against / themselves, feeble cocoons.
What can I offer this strange creature whose / slowed heartbeat is the opposite of mine?
Belongings dispersed and distributed / Are treasures in some other troves
Lately, the coffee has been strong, the friends / plentiful as maple keys spinning on the breeze
One hour a day I trade / an urban jungle for a garden / bed where compost soil rests
I remember coming out of the anesthesia, drifting back from wherever it is you go, back to consciousness. I looked at my mother and said “Now, will you tell me why we’re here?”