Mother Earth takes a breath for me.
Fill my lungs with the taste of spring
her icy exhale caresses my face
waft through my fawn colored curls.

Fill my lungs with the taste of spring.
Songs of black-capped chickadees
waft through my fawn colored curls.
Mother Earth sheds soft sprinkles.

Songs of black-capped chickadees
fade under a shadowy veil.
Mother Earth sheds soft sprinkles
while goosebumps pepper my skin

fade under a shadowy veil.
My head aches from clenching emotions
while goosebumps pepper my skin.
Soils soak up our catharsis.

My head aches from clenching emotions.
Mother Earth beckons with waving wildflowers.
Soils soak up our catharsis
as I trudge through sucking mud.

Mother Earth beckons with waving wildflowers
who glow through the darkening haze
as I trudge through sucking mud
to lay among the pastel blossoms

who glow through the darkening haze.
Her icy exhale caresses my face
as I lay among the pastel blossoms.
Mother Earth takes a breath for me.



Anna Chwiejczak is a senior graduating from SUNY ESF who is passionate about conveying the world of science through the art of poetry. Her work has appeared in The Great Lake review and Unearthed.