Three Poems by Matthew J.Andrews
Yet the hunger remains, and even today /you can seem them on the horizon / like an impending storm
Yet the hunger remains, and even today /you can seem them on the horizon / like an impending storm
Not in any lifetimes / will the damage be undone.
The first meaning that I associate with 'unraveling' is the idea of letting go.
She rests / on a damp rock / that juts from the lake—its tongue froths over / her perch.
And all the gray places / We never before breathed into being.
I realized that this photo series reminds us not of where to escape to but the where and the how to return to.
Today was the first day it really felt like spring, but spring doesn’t carry quite the same relief as it usually does
A collection of dreamy poems
and I want the fossils of us to live in the rock long after we die / after the great great grandchildren of our generation die
I want to go back to the crush close push press / of unfamiliar bodies, sweat stink and soft punch / of day-old powdery perfume