Playing Augmented Reality Games on the Eve of a Mass-Extinction, by Storey Clayton
I was fascinated by this commitment to preferring a mixed virtual world to the real one, but perhaps I ought withhold judgment till I go a full day without playing Wizards Unite.
Holding Both, by Patty Somlo
Having relocated to countless places in my life, all but one of which I had never seen before moving there, I became adept at finding my way to and from wherever I needed to go.
Lancers After Ed Sullivan, by Kirby Michael Wright
During my Kahala weekends, I was the man of the house and felt a duty to protect my mother and Jen.
Fission, Bethany Elliot
The human body contains an incomprehensible number of atoms ...
I Was Raised Catholic, Jack Mungo
It’s when I reflect on my early worldview that I know I will never introduce my children to any religion before they reach their age of reason.
Death Inside Her Head, Crystal Smith
As I ascended to the crest of the hill, the sun broke the edge of the horizon ...
Coral Reef 911, Rachel Evangeline Barham
The first time I saw a coral reef for myself, I emerged from the water as an evangelist.
Political Games, Aidan Murphy
Unlike famous Blair alumnus Sylvester Stallone, I did not get into any fist fights at Blair ...
The Moon, Our Friend, by Laura St. Onge
I do not know what the moon means.
Gold Rush: The Changing World of Kazakh Eagle Falconry, by Jesse Yale
The use of Golden eagles in falconry remains a compelling piece of imagery and it is easy to see why.
Tahoe Blue, Gayle Brandeis
"Beyond Tahoe, "blue" of course means many things."
Contact Spinning A Fire Staff
“Many of us would say that we are conscious of our daily activity even though we are not actively watching ourselves executing these actions”
Oakwood Rambles
"I pause here only to gather my thoughts, but I am surprised at how much I have already observed."
The Story Tree
“What is it about our need to tell stories, to leave a relic of our voice behind for the world? We speak, but sounds dissipate into the air, ephemeral as our own lives.”
"The land didn’t take my grandfather away from me. My grandfather gave his life to taking care of the land and passed this relationship on to each of his grandchildren."
Teach Your Children Well
"Unfortunately, we may have been among the last to feel the earth between our toes, to lie beneath the sun-rayed canopy, and remember to 'be home before dark.'"
Viridescent Beings
"Once you know a space in its intimacy, love is sure to follow. Once a connection is formed with a piece of land, a park, a home, or an entire area, the love that develops will tie a piece of you to that place for your life."
In My Wildest Dreams
"It’s like we are stuck in the passenger seat of a car racing through time and the wheel is just out of reach. We are powerless, yet we can do anything. Be anyone. Go anywhere."
Quiet Time
"For my family, the best style of camping is the quiet kind. We hike up the forested hills seeking nothing but the songs of birds and the whisper of leaves."
Horticultural Therapy
"Succulents are easy to plant and care for, flowers are vibrantly colored and odorous, herbs smell strongly and also provide nutrition."