Bird Kissses, by Anna Sims Bartel
Is every bird a kiss incarnate? Its color and character contained?
Is every bird a kiss incarnate? Its color and character contained?
In my phone in my food in my milk / container, in my thoughts, the mouse, the transparent / window
In these incantatory movements, / everything is on the verge of kindling
How is it that spring comes / early to January, green film / feathering the still-wet rocks
November and the tiny bones / Call for directions.
"You go back to the roots and then what comes out of that experience is shocking, it’s beautiful. And it rarely disappoints me if I approach things like that."
They speak of god along with cloud-esteem, sheep watching, plenty of softness.
and by the end of the season we had / enough cash to make it down to Berkeley
These meanings make a map, / remain quiet, anticipate the construction
For a moment / the worm dazzled in the spotlight / before finding a small crack leading to tunnel,