Gen Z and the Climate Crisis by Maggie L. O’Brien
But being a competent young adult with basic observation and analytical skills, I can make some deductions
But being a competent young adult with basic observation and analytical skills, I can make some deductions
Yet the yearning I felt for this place, full of light and laughter, did not last forever.
It's been over a year since he died, and I have not thought about him as much as I thought I would.
There’s a market for nostalgia, and I’m the ideal consumer.
The data within the cod otoliths correlated with specific instrumental sounds, forming a musical language to communicate science as sound.
The horse stepped on me and took off three of my toenails. I remember gooey puss and blood for weeks. I think my toes recovered ok.
I look down bashfully at my leather hiking boots, I am a foreigner.
When I use the word unravel to describe the effect of human actions on Earth’s living systems, I’m invoking the metaphor of the web of life.
Today was the first day it really felt like spring, but spring doesn’t carry quite the same relief as it usually does
Oh, hello. You must be new here. First off, Iowa is weather and corn.