Two Poems, Michelle M. Tokarczyk
But still on these streets that wind through / the hills, on the country hills that squeeze / so much green out of such a short summer
But still on these streets that wind through / the hills, on the country hills that squeeze / so much green out of such a short summer
Murmur sold us one mass out of / blights I climb up, dank.
Unlike famous Blair alumnus Sylvester Stallone, I did not get into any fist fights at Blair ...
I do not know what the moon means.
The use of Golden eagles in falconry remains a compelling piece of imagery and it is easy to see why.
Dawnelle Jager: Photographs: "Anticipated Velocity"--Scene hours before 60 mph wind evacuation from Rodanthe, South Carolina. "Swan Serenity"--A peaceful moment from the boardwalk in the Marsh at Huntington Beach State Park, South Carolina.